The “Leader”

Dr. Chad E. Hoyer (

Bachelor's in Chemistry and Physics: Shippensburg University of Pennsylvania
PhD in Chemical Physics: University of Minnesota (Advisors: Laura Gagliardi and Don Truhlar)
Postdoc: University of Washington (Advisor: Xiaosong Li)

Chad grew up in middle-of-nowhere Pennsylvania to a family who could not point out an "academia" from a lineup of careers. He started as assistant professor in the Chemistry Department at UTEP in 2024. Chad loves to understand electronic-structure methods and develop new ones. He then likes to use his expertise to help experimentalists understand problems, and in return they hold his hand in getting to know what actually occurs in reality.

Chad's story in his own words

Current Members

Emmy Morrissey (

Undergraduate Student: 2024-present
Program: Chemistry

Kailey Holen (

Undergraduate Student: 2024-present
Program: Chemistry

Previous Members

Postdocs/PhD Students

Undergrads/M.S. Students

  • Yasaman Mohammadi